You will not die of thirst in Dublin.
There are a lot of fantastic old boozers in the city. The Dubliners are very sociable and friendly folk so do not be afraid to pull up a bar stool and strike up a conversation.
If you like a nice whiskey you can’t go wrong with the Palace Bar on Fleet street. A beautiful old pub which used to be popular with the hard-drinking journalists from the Irish Times, amongst others. Still popular with local Dubliners.
A little further south, just off Grafton street, is another famous old Dublin pub called Bruxelles. It was always known as a hang out for the rockers in the city. It is easy to find because there is a statue of Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy standing outside.
If you’re up for a decent stroll you could cross the canal to the south and head on to Rathmines road. Toward the bottom, on the right hand side, you will find an old pub going by the name of Martin B. Slattery. It was one of a number owned by the Slattery brothers around the city. A lovely, old-school boozer and a great place to observe the Dubliner in his/her native environment.
(These folk really are old-school. They don’t have a website).
Enjoy the pints!